Source of Calcium Carbonate – Naturally Occurring Source of Calcium Carbonate

Calcium carbonate is found naturally as marble, limestone, chalk and aragonite. Eggshell is considered as a rich source of calcium carbonate and many people eat it to cure calcium deficiency in their body. Other sources include calcite and travertine. All these are naturally occurring substances and are used in making supplements and fertilizers as a source of obtaining calcium.

A source of calcium carbonate is known to reduce acidity. Because of this reason, this compound is an excellent candidate to be used in making calcium tablets or supplements. Most of the calcium supplements available on the market today are made with calcium carbonate or a variant on calcium carbonate known as coral calcium.

Coral calcium is a relatively less-known source of calcium carbonate. This salt is obtained from fossilized coral reefs in an environmentally friendly manner. As it is available above sea level, it is pure and free from impurities. Recently it has been discovered that coral calcium obtained from the island of Okinawa in Japan is the most refined form of this salt.

Okinawan coral calcium not only contains calcium carbonate as a source of calcium, but also many other important minerals and nutrients in just the right quantities. It is beneficial for long-term health as it serves to cure many diseases and also helps in overcoming calcium deficiency permanently.

Calcium supplements made with Okinawan coral calcium are now available on the market as a good source of calcium carbonate. They are made with totally natural substances including some vitamins as well to ensure proper absorption of calcium in the body. These vitamins provide some other benefits of their own in terms of treatment of various diseases and health conditions. There are no side-effects of these tablets and can be consumed by people of all ages without any reservation.

Normally 500 – 1000 mg of calcium can be obtained from supplements, but it is recommended to eat a balanced diet and exercise regularly along with consuming good-quality calcium tablets. In any case, do not consume more than 2500 mg of calcium in one day. Postmenopausal women are especially advised to increase their daily calcium intake through calcium supplements.

Carefully read the contents of a supplement product before using it. Although almost all ingredients are explained in detail on the Internet, it is preferable to consult a health specialist to ask about their effectiveness before starting the course. You may also want to have your serum calcium measured to determine how much calcium you should be consuming on a daily basis.

Source by John Gibb